Monday, November 8, 2010

Providence Trinity Care Hospice Re-accreditation

John Cameron, Managing Partner of BCWS, wanted to share this letter he received as a member of the board of directors of the Providence Trinity Care Hospice.  They are excited to have been fully re-accredited.


November 5, 2010


PTCH Board of Directors & Trustees
Kerry Carmody


Terri Warren, Executive Director

Announcement:  CHAP Reaccreditation, Deemed Status

As many of you know, we submitted our self study binders to our accrediting body, Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) in the middle of October for our three year reaccreditation survey, deemed status.  In a much more rapid time frame than anticipated, our CHAP surveyors arrived on Tuesday, November 2 and formally exited earlier today.  After the full survey, the team is recommending full reaccreditation, deemed status to the CHAP Review Board later this month.

This survey was thorough, reviewing both CHAP and Medicare standards and compliance.  In addition to the medical and personnel review including five patient home visits, governance, strategic planning, and contracting, multiple interviews were conducted.  John Cameron was interviewed as Chair of the Operating Board of Directors.  At our exit conference today, they specifically noted organizational strength in the areas of Key Leadership, Quality of the Medical Staff, focus on Palliative Care through the Continuum, Successful partnerships with Providence ministries and community partners, and Strong Board of Directors with strong leadership.  Some of our key opportunities lie in refining and organizing some systems, standardizing care standards and practice across all sites, and integrating CHAP standards more fully into practice and operations. 

Providence TrinityCare Hospice truly has a remarkable team, offering exceptional care to patients and families in our communities. I am so grateful to each of you for the support and guidance you bring to our service and each of us.  Special thank you to John for his professional, supportive and articulate interview!  We will celebrate our reaccreditation success at our upcoming Board meetings!