In today’s world of immediacy, social networking is a valuable tool for growing your business.
One of our 2011 goals here at BCWS is to put more time into our social media efforts as a team now that the tax season is behind us.
Several excellent articles have been floating around our offices over the last few weeks:
Are You Talking To Me?
This Wall Street Journal article give best practices for engaging with customers via social media.
LinkedIn Tips for CPAs
Are You Linked In?
Both these articles from the March issue of the Journal of Accountancy explain how CPAs can use LinkedIn to grow their business and stay on top of industry trends.
IRS Launches App for iPhones and Droids
This article from the December issue of Accounting Today discusses the launch of a Smartphone application that lets taxpayers check on the status of their tax refund and obtain helpful tax information.
An Insider’s Guide to Social Media Etiquette
Chris Brogan is a fantastic resource for using social media for business. Our team has found tremendous value in his blogs.
We enjoy hearing from you! What articles or resources have you found the most helpful?
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